
Showing posts from 2012

I'm glad..

Time is passing Life is going I had been live for 22 years I'm glad that everyone is with me I'm glad that i can see I'm glad that i can hear I'm glad that i can smell I'm glad that i can feel I'm glad that i can taste I'm glad that i can speak I'm glad that i can walk I'm lucky When i wake up in the morning My heart is beating My heart is bouncing I'm glad that I still have the chance to see the beautiful world When i open my eyes in the morning I'm glad that I had been live for so long Thank you for giving me such a great chance I do appreciate every moment that i have now And wish myself Happy Birthday!


别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心。 有些人,注定是生命中的过客; 有些事,常常是让我们很无奈。 与其伤心流泪,不如从容面对。 孤独,不一定不快乐; 得到,不一定能长久; 失去,不一定再拥有。 爱的时候,让他自由; 不爱的时候,让爱自由。 看的淡一点,伤就会少一点。 下一次, 我不会让这个人先走, 就算再次失败, 他还是提前离开了, 我也要让他走的不那么理直气壮, 我要让他双膝发软痛哭流涕地离去。 下一次, 我不会让你先走, 即使再次失败…… 我是那么的渴望, 那么渴望, 有你的圣诞节。 摘自 图:几米绘本《我梦游你梦游》 文:网络转载


世上没有不伤人的感情, 或多或少, 或大或小 它都会在你的灵魂上留下痕迹的, 以伤痕为代价换得感情的喜悦。 这世界上, 没有能回去的感情, 就算真的回去了, 你也会发现, 一切已经面目全非, 唯一能回去的, 只是存於心底的记忆。 是的, 回不去了, 所以, 我们只能一直往前。 摘自 图:几米绘本 - 世界别为我操心 文:网络转载

Long Long Journey

City lights shine on the harbour, night has fallen down, through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on. Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? Where the road runs through the valley, where the river flows, I will follow every highway to the place i know. Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? Long, long journey out of nowhere, long, long way to go; but what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that's coming home? Artist: Enya