
Showing posts from February, 2012


世上没有不伤人的感情, 或多或少, 或大或小 它都会在你的灵魂上留下痕迹的, 以伤痕为代价换得感情的喜悦。 这世界上, 没有能回去的感情, 就算真的回去了, 你也会发现, 一切已经面目全非, 唯一能回去的, 只是存於心底的记忆。 是的, 回不去了, 所以, 我们只能一直往前。 摘自 图:几米绘本 - 世界别为我操心 文:网络转载

Long Long Journey

City lights shine on the harbour, night has fallen down, through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on. Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? Where the road runs through the valley, where the river flows, I will follow every highway to the place i know. Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? Long, long journey out of nowhere, long, long way to go; but what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that's coming home? Artist: Enya